Writing them is a powerful anchoring and beginning as you continue this journey. When you share them with another who can hold your vision and growth, there is even greater power. You can make this essay presentation as simple or as fancy as you like. Even better if it represents you in some way. Here is to a life change for you and great energy for your dreams! Thank you for allowing me to hold signposts for you during this adventure. Sharon Riegie Maynard Send to: [email protected]
It is in the unseen regions of Energy that you can determine the quality of your field. That requires stepping into your authority as a Divine Being to declare, broadcast, and energize the qualities you want for your space. Otherwise, you are functioning within the 'toxic matrix' that Outsiders have created as well as the 'negative' reactions from generations of human beings trying to survive. As you determine to learn and master your abilities to move beyond the 'toxic matrix', doing it with consciousness and commitment to ridding that which does not reflect the qualities you choose will keep you safe.
You do that with Reality Statements. For example:
Paradox - Opposition: two situations with qualities that seem contrary to one another, i.e. helping others - caring for self. Both situations have value. Using the qualities of both legs will build a stable life. However, there is a third leg of the "stool". It is the Mid-point. This the the place of Stillness, Being. In this journey, the legs are 1. Listening to your Inner Guidance 2. Testing the information against your qualities and its impact on your life 3. Bringing yourself into a time of Being, Stillness to rejuvenate. There are applications for this concept all around you.
Dr. Brugh Joy, suggested in his work, "Watch to see where the power is going. Is it consistently going back to the "teacher" as the one who has/speaks value. Or is there a underlying knowing that "you" have the power and I/teacher is only here to give you the confidence to know for yourself?" The Moon reflects. With all external teachers, you are hearing a reflection of what was given to them - for them. The Sun shines directly. Your ability to hear directly is what opens you to your own Sun path. It is certainly valuable when you work with both; listening to others, hearing for yourself. Then, there comes a time for one on their Sun path when what they receive as information, guidance, advice is only for themselves. I am glad that you are here!
With those preparations made, you are ready to begin. One question at a time will provide you time to practice and learn your own unique gift and way of hearing. We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us. Joseph Campbell
When you begin something new, you become a Novice in that field. Regardless of how much learning and experience you have in other areas of your life, a new field requires learning and making mis steps. So, "if nothing happens", note in your journal what comes to mind, what emotions are triggered, what body sense emerged in the exercise. All of the "shadows" that come up are some of the jewels on the journey. Yes, what you might have previously named "negative", are actually of great value. The question for you to ask yourself is, "What tools/processes do I have in order to get the messages that are manifesting?" You may have one, two, many or no tools at all. The amount does not matter. Moving from "nothing is happening" to problem solving is the key. You have the message of "nothing happening" and so the next step is to find the cause, the reason for this manifestation. The assignment for this lesson has some TAG information and processes that you can use and add to your toolbox. Don't give up! You are on a very valuable journey!
The next day, when my children were at school or down for a nap and my husband off to his work, I tried the process. That process changed my life. It opened doors that I did not know were closed. I used that simple process for the next ten years. The connection that appeared that day in 1971 was the Hand I held and that Held Me during the death of a husband, the caring for 9 children. It remains the strength of my life. So, here it is for you. Two newsletters ago I suggested three Reality Statements that you can use to set the criteria of those in the Spiritual World who have permission to "speak" to you. That is primary! If you haven't done that, do it now. Then:
If you have a sense of foreboding, or distractions, call to the TAG Healing teams and ask that they TAG and Transform whatever is in the way of your communications. It is always good to have a mentor or guide as you begin a new adventure. I am always available for being part of your assist team for this valuable opening. Contact me and we can talk about options. I rarely use scripture any more. However, here is one that comes to mind as I share the importance of this with you. "In the last days, there will be those who say, Lo here is the answer! or, lo there! Believe it not for, behold, the kingdom of God (Truth) is within you." Energy is vibrations. Energy is frequencies. Vibrations and frequencies contain information. We live in a world of energy and the frequencies around us are full of information. There are many ways of making those vibrations understandable and one way is your own Inner Intuition. Sending many blessing!
Wow! That was shocking. I had gotten caught up in busyness. We truly live in the space of two worlds, the seen and the unseen. There are advantages and disadvantages in each world. There are advantages and disadvantages in each world. They may seem to be opposites, and yet they are not. They both have value. Like any paradox, you cannot build a healthy life with interactions in only one of those worlds.
At the Soul, Control Central, we were aware that Earth was a contaminated, heavy region of the Galaxy in which the Lighter frequencies of HOME would be difficult to hear. And yet, a necessary region. Because we are intelligent, we made plans for this contamination. Each individual Soul coming into Earth Life has within the life plan patterns to transform, energy devices to remove, genetic factors to heal as well as a wide array of gifts, visions and inspiring possibilities. It was intended that each Soul would be midwifed through Spiritual healing processes to lesson the Negative Karma. It was also intended that the Mother would connect with the Souls Control Central Team and receive guidance from them before the Soul was birthed. Mother was to then be the mentor to remind her little one of those Spiritual Beings. Those lessons of support and awareness were to continue from day one. So, many of us are behind that aspect of our plan. We intended to access those worlds where there is constant presence, love, and safety. Now, more than ever before, we cannot WALK THIS PHASE OF EARTH LIFE ALONE! If you don't know how to connect safely, LEARN. So, recognizing that there are all types of Beings in the regions of the unseen, not all of them committed to your Highest Good, it is important that you clarify the qualities of those whom you will allow into your space. The most important place to begin is by defining the character qualities and values of those who have permission to speak to you. For example, love, wisdom, clarity,benefit of the web of life, your highest and best in mind, etc. Then, you can let your curiosity lead you to various models of Spiritual Guidance. So, how about setting aside 30 minutes this week-end to complete these Reality Statements?
Take your Statements into the Reality Shift Process, Brain Balance and Fire Building model.
Sharon Riegie maynard, FacilitatorSharon Riegie Maynard began working with teachers in the Spiritual worlds in 1971. These Intelligence, Generous and Loving teachers have given stability to her life. Her writings and teachings reflect what they have restored through her. |